Taubstummengasse 11, 1040, Vienna, Austria
+43 (1) 58801 406 677

How to apply?



Only a limited number of TUW-students are accepted every year in the program, enabling them to individually apply the content learned to their specific, personal projects. The interactive, personalized and hands-on character of lectures (exercises, discussions, workshops, seminars, presentations, etc.) also requires a small group size.

Please follow the defined application process if you want to be part of the next batch.

Application Criteria

  • You have to be enrolled in a study program at TU Wien.*
  • You have a strong interest in entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • You are willing to spend evening hours and weekends to enhance your skills and develop innovative ideas (attendance to all lectures is mandatory!).
  • You already have an idea or an innovative project you want to develop during the program (not mandatory but a plus).

* Note for Bachelor's students: if you want to apply for the program, you must have successfully completed 120 ECTs at TU Wien, until the start of the program, in October.
* Note for PhD students: if you want to apply for the program, you must have successfully completed a Master's degree at TU Wien.

Application process

STAGE 1 - Eligibility check and preliminary selection

In the first stage, you will have to fill out an application form until May 11th at 23:59, 2025.
This is a hard deadline, therefore, applications handed in later will not be considered.
You are required to upload the following:

  • 90-second video introducing yourself (in English)
    Let us know who you are, why you want to join the program and why you believe you should be selected.
  • Curriculum vitae
    It should include your education, practical/working experience and additional qualifications
  • Proof of academic success
    Transcript of records of current study program and if it applies, the certificate of a finished study program
  • Additional documents (optional)
    Any additional document or certificate that you think can help us assess your application (letter of recommendation, cover letter, certificates, projects you worked on, etc.)

Between the 19th and the 23th of May 2025 you will get notified if you have been selected for the second phase.

STAGE 2 - Challenge

The second phase is an in-person, 4h challenge, which you need to complete in teams together with other applicants. This challenge will take place in the second half of May and the exact date will be announced soon.

This challenge aims to evaluate your creativity and critical thinking skills as well as your teamwork, communication and leadership skills.

Between the 27th of May and 3rd of June 2025 you will get notified if you have been selected for the third phase.

STAGE 3 - Interviews

The interviews will take place on the 11th and 12th of June 2025, so please make sure that you are available and in Vienna on these dates.

Being present in the interview in person is a prerequisite for being accepted in the program.

Between the 16th and the 20th of June 2025 you will get notified if you have been accepted in the program.
If accepted, you will then have one week to reply to our email by confirming or rejecting your spot.

We are looking forward to receiving your application. Good luck!

Roadmap Image - Application and selection process


DEADLINE - May 11th, 2025

If you encounter any technical issues with the form, please reach out to alexandra.alexandru@tuwien.ac.at

Still have questions? Join the info event!



What should you expect from the Info Event?

  • Learn all the details about the program, its structure, content, activities and the top-notch lecturers and mentors that will be supporting the batch #14 of the Extended Study on Innovation.
  • Ask all your questions and doubts.
  • Mingle and network with future colleagues and former ESI students while enjoying some free drinks provided by TUW i²c.

The only requirement to attend the event is to be currently enrolled at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Please use your TU Wien email address to register!


May 7th, 2025, 6pm @ EI 10, Gusshaus Campus



April 15th, 2025, 2pm