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In a thunderstorm even pigs can fly – a quick guide by Thomas Neubauer

TU Wien, Seminar Room Zemanek

In his quick guide, Dr. Neubauer talks about a long rocky road to an successful entrepreneur and how difficult this path at times proved to be. He demonstrates very clearly the challenges as TU spin-off bearing up his interests in the field of business, how he had to overcome difficulties, including funding, first customers, global…
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Successful Strategic Entrepreneurship for Start- ups by Herbert Gartner

TU Wien, Seminar Room Zemanek

Particularly for start-up and early-stage companies, business angels are vital figures that fill the gap between self-finance and venture capital. They are an important source of equity in the early stages of an enterprise, before it becomes attractive for venture capital funds. The synergy "business angel - founder" will be described in this i2c Public…
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Six Paths to Start-up Prosperity by Peter S. Cohan

PreviousNext Start-ups in Cambridge, US and Austria and International Financing All successful entrepreneurs start with passion for a cause that gives meaning to their work life. But a hunger to change the world is merely the first step in a journey that leads most new ventures to the poorhouse. Yet a tiny fraction of start-ups…
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„Startups, Innovation & Leadership – Deconstructing entrepreneurship – what really matters and what not… ” by Oliver Holle

Oliver Holle will give a personal view on 20 years of startup life, resulting in distinct perspectives on a number of questions. Given his current role as CEO of a seed stage venture fund, he constantly looks out for factors that typically drives startup success. In this context, the specific value of the startup idea…
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