From Founder to Advisor: How managed Advisory Boards can drive Business Success
Having survived all startup phases from dusk till down and built a strong business network on operational and commercial level Thomas rejoined community as an angelinvestor and advisor and got insights into the different views on similar problems. Working in a couple of adivsory and director boards mean working with different startup cultures and needs and seeing what supports and what hinders. There are some myths around the willingness to open the network of an advisor and they want to be managed like anyone else.
This is a short overview of how and when to build an advisory board and whom to invite at what stage and why and what this means for the organisation beside organizing a mug of coffee for the event 🙂
About Thomas Peruzzi
Thomas Peruzzi founded aicooma in Austria, Switzerland and Germany and built it from scratch till earn-out in 2012. He then rejoined University in York for a second Master Study and took over several interims C*O positions in digital startups like laterpay or gigaset elements. Beside that he angel-invested in digital startups like getwiser, spireglobal, adespresso and advised emerging startups with his strong product and Technology background. He is boardmember of Crate and Advisory Board member of admoment, meinkauf, laterpay, refz.co and roq.ad. Thomas lectures Innovation Management and Technology Leadership and is a respected speaker for European Corporates with regards to lean product management and how to avoid the innovator’s dilemma. International VCs and corporate ventures trust his view on technology during due diligence processes