Taubstummengasse 11, 1040, Vienna, Austria
+43 (1) 58801 406 677

i²c Networking Friday 2016

The annual i²c Networking Friday concludes the 3 day commerzicalisation bootcamp for sciencepreneurs of TU Wien (#i²cStartAcademy). This networking event for sciencepreneurs, entrepreneurs, investors, public funding agencies, industry, scientists, and many more offers next to the great opportunity to meet and mingle a program of TEDx like impulse talks, a panel discussion reflecting on sciencepreneurship in the current startup ecosystem (featuring guests from Stanford, UnternehmerTUM, etc), exhibiton and a pitch challenge where the projects of the i²c StartAcademy 2016 compete for special prizes.

Registration is required on http://bit.ly/1SI1KuM
