Taubstummengasse 11, 1040, Vienna, Austria
+43 (1) 58801 406 677


Start-Up – Heaven or Hell by Duane Nickull

Duane Nickull talked about challenges and choices faced by new technology companies during their most vulnerable and critical early phases. He shared some of the top advice that can only be learned from experience, delved into the challenges faced, and provided ways to migrate threats many face.   About Duane Nickull Duane Nickull is a successful…
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From lab to market – will it work? by Philipp Liegl

In the past few years we have been working on several research projects in the area of inter-organizational systems. New concepts, methodologies, and standards have been developed and been well acknowledged by the research community.Based on results from our last research project, we decided to found our own business in 2011. Will the market accept…
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Bring me to the money! Or: How do I finance my startup? by Daniel Horak

After founding your company, you will face the challenge of financing your startup. But nowadays the bank isn’t the easiest nor the best way to get some money. So the questions are: Which alternative sources are available? What does it mean for a company to on-board a Business Angel and how does crowdfunding/-investing work? What…
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Local ecosystem, coordinating actions, push changes onto public administration: Case of Trentino by Paolo Lombardi & Matteo Cevese

PreviousNext Start-ups in Cambridge, US and Austria and International Financing There is a number of ingredients required to establish and grow a local entrepreneurial ecosystem. On one side, one of the most important is the proactive role of the public administration in providing an entrepreneurial-friendly territory and legislative tools that can enable this ecosystem; on…
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What I have done right with my startups by Peter Lieber

Peter Lieber talks in detail about life, failures and success as an ICT entrepreneur during the last twenty years. In his presentation Peter Lieber focuses on personal emotions and learnings about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial actions. He will share these experiences with entrepreneurial beginners to start them reflecting on their goals. Peter Lieber talks about how…
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Staying Power: Six Enduring Principles for Managing Strategy & Innovation in an Uncertain World (Lessons from Microsoft, Intel, Apple, Google, Toyota, and More) by Prof. Michael Cusumano

PreviousNext Start-ups in Cambridge, US and Austria and International Financing This lecture presents an overview of Professor Michael Cusumano’s most recent book, titled Staying Power: Six Enduring Principles for Managing Strategy and Innovation in an Uncertain World (Oxford, 2010). The focus is on “big ideas” that can help firms remain competitive over long periods of…
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From Founder to Advisor: How managed Advisory Boards can drive Business Success by Peruzzi Thomas

Having survived all startup phases from dusk till down and built a strong business network on operational and commercial level Thomas rejoined community as an angelinvestor and advisor and got insights into the different views on similar problems. Working in a couple of adivsory and director boards mean working with different startup cultures and needs…
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From the vision of a novel innovation process to the mission of HYVE. – Insights of a leading innovation agency by Füller Hannes

In the year 2000 HYVE set off with the vision of a novel innovation process which connects users, customers, vendors and developers via internet and thereby enables the collaborative development of customer-centric and trailblazing innovations. Within 14 years HYVE has established itself as a leading innovation agency, which provides services in Germany and far beyond…
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Angel-Startup-Relationship: From The Angel’s Perspective by Hansmann Hansi

In this talk, Dr. Johann Hansmann, will give general insights on an angel job profile. Additionally, he will share his personal view on selection criteria for investment as well as how his working day looks like. “There is way more to it than only providing money”... the ingredients on “the more” will be unveiled. Holding…
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Klausberger Katharina – Battle Field Flea Market: Learnings from a Detour to Success

Katharina Klausberger, her Co-founder and a small, but extremely motivated team worked on another startup idea when they decided to give the byproduct, Shpock, a try. Today the flea market app counts more than 8 million users. The successful entrepreneur describes the decision making on which project should be followed and which should be abandoned.…
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