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+43 (1) 58801 406 677

Duane Nickull

Start-Up – Heaven or Hell

Duane Nickull talked about challenges and choices faced by new technology companies during their most vulnerable and critical early phases. He shared some of the top advice that can only be learned from experience, delved into the challenges faced, and provided ways to migrate threats many face.


About Duane Nickull

Duane Nickull is a successful veteran of high tech start-ups (Yellow Dragon Software Corporation, XML Global Technologies, Uberity), an elected Vice Chair of the United Nations CEFACT Steering Group and Architecture, senior standards architect, and senior data architect. During his experience building three companies, including selling one company to Adobe Systems, he has amassed a large amount of knowledge. He published his knowledge in many articles and books (e.g. Web 2.0. Architectures: What Entrepreneurs and Information Architects Need to Know, O'Reilly). He is also an excellent musician (22nd century is leading the punk rock scene in Canada). (slides "Start-Up - Heaven or Hell)