Taubstummengasse 11, 1040, Vienna, Austria
+43 (1) 58801 406 677

Application for the TUW i²c STARTacademy

Apply for TUW i²c STARTacademy!

This is the first step to become part of the TUW i²c STARTacademy 2024.
Please fill in the form below and we will contact you by November 30th to let you know if your project has been selected to take part in the bootcamp.

  • Application deadline is November 12th at 23:59
  • The bootcamp will take place between February 27th and February 29th 2024
We are looking forward to receiving your application.

Your Contact Details

This will be our main point of contact to keep you updated about the progress of the application.


Please provide us with the following details¹ about the team:
For each team member, fill in the name, affiliation (faculty & institute) and email:
Team Member 1


Please provide us with the following details about the project:
This description will be shared with the advisors invited to mentor your project during the i²c STARTacademy if your application is successful. Please consider this when formulating the description.
Who owns the intellectual property rights? Have you evaluated the type of IP protection you need? Have you taken any steps towards securing or protecting your IP?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Attach any documents you believe might be relevant to understand better your project (in .pdf)

Additional Information

Please answer these additional questions:
This information is needed to make sure we don´t invite as mentors members from an organization you are already working with as it won´t bring any additional value to your team.
¹ Your contact details will be used for the sole purpose of providing you & your team with information about the application process for the i²c STARTacademy and the next steps in case of successfully passing the selection process
² The fields marked are confidential and will only be shared with the i²c STARTacademy organizing team for performing a market analysis and inviting suitable mentors for your project